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A Dream Come True


Project House Rebuild officially started on 15 January this year in Gulariya village of Bardiya Municipality. Together with local village leaders, we selected 62 needy families to help rebuild their destroyed homes. Today 2.5 months later, about 10 houses are completed and 50 houses are in various stages of completion. Their target date of completion is 15 May and a special dedication program is scheduled on 21 June 2015.

Gulariya House #1 is completed! A very happy Mr Nawaraj Tharu & his family

Other houses in Gulariya in various stages of completion (above & below)

Squatter settlement in Kakaura

Happy widow #1 with her nearly completed house in Kakaura

Second widow (old lady in blue skirt) of Kakaura with her completed house

Apart from Gulariya, there are 15 other needy families in surrounding villages which we are also providing help. One of them is a poor widow in Kakaura village (photo above, old lady in blue). In her own words she said,

“I never dreamed I’ll get to live in a concrete house! Thank God and thank you!”

She said it rained the night before and her makeshift outdoor kitchen was washed away. As she sat in the house sheltered from the rain, she was so thankful that she no longer had to worry that it will collapse too. This priceless moment alone is worth the effort, pain and tears. We look forward to 21 June when she celebrates and dedicates her new house along with her community.