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Food Security

F.A.I.T.H. (Food-Always-In-The-Home) GARDENING


Food-Always-in-the-Home (F.A.I.T.H.) Gardening is a concept developed by Asian Rural Life Development Centre in Davao City, Philippines in 1974. Their simple and effective model for sustainable agriculture has helped many communities in Asia produce continuous and sufficient supply of fresh food from their own backyard everyday.

FAITH Gardening was introduced to our NGO partner in Nepal and a demonstration garden set up at their training centre in April. Just this month, they are reaping the first batch of harvest from their land.

The whole process from land preparation to harvest takes just about 2 months

We are eating eggplants, tomatoes, ladyfingers for our food now. We are enjoying the fresh food of our garden. Thank you for your labour. -- Mr. R. Chandra, Centre Manager.


Although not a new concept, many people are still unaware of the simplicity and benefits of starting and maintaining a vegetable garden in their own backyard. All it takes is a learning mind and diligent hands!

Start by germinating the seeds.

Sanitize a batch of soil for the seeds. Mix it with compost which is readily available in the community.

Transfer the germinating seeds to the soil mix prepared earlier.

A toothpick dipped in water helps in this delicate operation.

Many hands make light work, especially ladies!

Now the men — build a simple greenhouse.

Put the seed trays in the greenhouse.

Water the seed trays twice a day – once in the morning and once in the evening.

Within 2 weeks, the greenhouse starts looking pretty green! (cucumber seedlings)

Pakchoi seedlings!

Prepare the plot by loosening the ground.

Add compost into the plot.

Transfer seedlings from the greenhouse into the plots.

It’s important to do the transfer in the evening so the seedlings get sufficient time to adapt to the new environment during the night.

Give sufficient spacing between each seedling to enable them to grow well. (tomato seedlings)

Squash seedlings.

Bigger seeds, like beans, can be planted directly into the prepared plots without needing to first germinate them.

Bigger seeds, like beans, can be planted directly into the prepared plots without needing to first germinate them.

Beans ready for harvest within a month!

Fresh cucumbers, anyone?

As the economy continues to fluctuate, food security will become one of the foremost national agenda of countries everywhere. Going back to the land is one feasible way to address food shortage on a local scale, one community at a time.