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Lifted from Despair

To date, we are rebuilding in 4 villages some 93 houses with more than half being completed and many families living in their new housing. 

We are also planning to rebuild in another 4 villages targeting to return housing security to 100 additional  households.

Your contribution to rebuild homes in the project is actually helping many families to rebuild their lives. Owning and living in safe homes again has lifted many families from despair. Confidence has returned to their human spirit of a better tomorrow. Together with you, thank you for giving us this privileged work in making a real difference to humanity who are in need.

A huge burden has lifted from the heart and mind of young Rup Bahadur Magar with a proper and safe house being provided for his wife and four children with him. As he looks to the future Rup is determined to work hard to provide for his family well and ensure that all his children get good education.


If you would like to contribute, Click on GET INVOLVED at the top of this page and select DISASTER RELIEF. Be sure to include your name and email address so we can send you a receipt.




Budhimaya Tumshing Magar lives with her son, Binod (not in photo) and daughter-in-law in Budhakani Village. Since their house was destroyed by the earthquake, the family has been living in a tent shelter. Budhimaya has long term illness. Though Binod earns enough just to make ends meet, he is very thankful to have a safe house to live with his mother.


Kuldip Rana Magar age 59, (not in photo) though still hard working and energetic, could not imagine how he would ever rebuild and live in a safe house by his mere earning from farming work. So Kuldip is truly grateful for the help and support to enable him to provide for his mother, wife and son a proper house to live as a normal family.


From young, 41-year old Talak Bahadur Magar has been working hard providing for his family. He lost his house completely and could not rebuild without help. He is grateful to XBCS for the new house where his mother, his wife and two children can now live in safety.


Since the earthquake in 2015, Gopal Thapa Magar, 63, struggles to provide for his family proper food and shelter having depleted his savings. Now with the safe and new house provided for by XBCS, Gopal is able to focus on his livelihood to make ends meet and feed his family.


We have gathered about SGD 600,000 thus far from family and friends like you. We need another SGD 400,000 to provide a quake-resistant wall-system house for a total of 300 needy beneficiaries in Phase 2 of Rebuilding.


If you would like to contribute, click on the tab GET INVOLVED at the top of this page and select DISASTER RELIEF. Be sure to include your name and email address so we can send you a receipt.