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Post Quake Update


Just when we thought the worst of Nepal’s double quake is over, strong winds have come. Many makeshift tarpaulin tents are being blown apart & away! Even some rectangular flat-roofed CGI shelters are not spared. Amazingly our arch-roofed shelters are holding up pretty well – thanks to its aerodynamic shape! Winds just flow over the top without lifting the roof away.

The arch shape is not only aerodynamic, it requires lesser CGI sheets to construct than a typical flat-roofed CGI shelter

With a sturdy CGI temporary shelter, families need not stay under tents like this during the monsoon period

This clever bunker-like shelter is actually designed by a Nepali citizens group. It costs just 13,000 NRs to build one (about 180 SGD). Channel NewsAsia carried this in their report. Click here to read about it.

The best thing about this design is that the CGI sheets can be dismantled and reused for the actual house build later and the metal arch frames can be covered with bamboo and straw and used as an animal shed. Our team on the ground is doing a great job, building 20 such shelters in one week. They take just 2 hours to build one but because each needy family is located faraway from each other in the village, the boys need to walk for about an hour to get to the next family. Some people commented that the shelters are good to stay in for the next 5 years or so. We hope they need not wait so long before they get help to rebuild their houses after the monsoon.

Building a prototype: Frame is positioned first

Followed by the CGI sheets for the roof

Ready to stay in 2 hours!

Building on site in Fulbari

So far, 20 shelters are built in Fulbari, Chowkot, Shikandapur, Maragaun & Nalla. Not all the selected needy families require the full list of materials. 26 families in Shikapur, Janagal, Dhalmale & Maragaun are able to salvage wood & bamboo for the frame and bricks to build the sides of their shelter. Therefore, we only need to supply them with CGI sheets for the roof. Thanks to everyone’s resourcefulness, our team is able to keep to and below the budget of 180 SGD per shelter. They target to build another 40+ shelters in Baralgaun, Ojetha, Nalla & Opi before 15 June or when the rains come – whichever is earlier. After that, it will be difficult to build in the wet weather. There are still more needy families we know who need monsoon shelters and it is unlikely we will be able to help all before the rains come.

Very relieved and happy families in Fulbari

Much credit goes to our youthful construction crew

Tents like these are not adequate for Monsoon rains

Many more need CGI shelters

Our house design is finalised and the budget is set at 2,000 SGD for a 60 sqm two-storey house. First storey is used to store grain, small animals and where their kitchen is. Second storey is sleeping area. There are about 500 needy families in our network that require assistance and so far, we have funds for almost 100 houses. We may not be able to help all, but we will definitely help to our utmost, every needy household within our reach and means. Rebuilding will start right after the monsoon in September.

2,000 SGD can build a 2-storey RC-framed house with CGI roof. Families can then source local materials for floor, walls, doors & windows.

If you would like to contribute to our rebuilding efforts, please go to our Get Involved page.