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  • Handover in Nala
    KAVRE, NEPAL: POST QUAKE UPDATE Among the 319 deaths, 2,789 badly injured, 59,933 completely destroyed houses and 23,714 partially destroyed homes in Kavre district, we are working with 138 very needy families from 5 VDC (Village Development Committee) in this district.
  • Lending a Hand to Rebuild
    KAVRE, NEPAL: POST QUAKE UPDATE On Sunday 17 July, we went to Rabi village (our third in five targeted villages) to check on the house rebuilding work. Out of the 15 houses to be built, 8 are in progress. The following 3 families have finished casting their reinforced concrete footers. Another 3 families have completed...
  • 21 "Thank Yous" & Counting
    KAVRE, NEPAL: POST QUAKE UPDATE One year after the quake, 21 targeted families in Nala and Opi have completed their house frames and almost half have done up their walls and moved in. 117 more households to go! Homeowner Sarsworti Tolange of Opi village (below) said she never dreamed she would get to live in a house with...
  • Rebuilding Homes and Hope
    KAVRE, NEPAL: POST QUAKE UPDATE The first prototype house frame is complete! Homeowner Ishori Bogoti is very grateful for the help rendered to her. She is looking forward to putting up the walls, windows and doors next! Ishori was selected by her community to be one of the project beneficiaries because of her needy background....
  • Ready to Start
    KAVRE, NEPAL: POST QUAKE UPDATE Monsoon is finally over and families are looking forward to rebuild their lives, starting with the rebuilding of their houses. 5 months after the quake, major roads are repaired, cleared of debri and many villagers have successfully dismantled their damaged houses. Bulle, Nala village in Kavre..